Our Mission
“...we provide skills for students to weave magic and intention into their lives, into their work and into their communities.”
Our mission is to provide magical skills…
We aim to provide an array of magical tools and methods of training to those who want to go deeper into their own personal magical authority. Through this process, we provide skills for students to weave magic and intention into their lives, into their work and into their communities. Nurturing students to develop relationships with Deity, Ancestors, Allies and Land Spirits.
Our mission is to go deeper and connect…
The school calls to those who are looking to explore the depths of their magical practice; to those who want to make an impact on their lives and the world around them. A call to those who know this is a time of change and want the skills to help navigate this change. To explore the possibilities for a magical and an equitable world. We embrace the magical and the ecstatic to support a worldview of connection with each other and interconnectedness with all the realms, from the earth realm and beyond.
Our mission is to change the worlds…
Part of this commitment requires both a learning and an unlearning process. May we find what is true and what is possible for us, as individuals navigating our own lenses of race, class, body, age, gender, sexuality, ability, etc. and the collective lenses that have been handed to us by the dominant culture, so that we may be of service to the greater good.