Magical Timing by Moon & Season
A Prerecorded On~Demand Workshop
Available September 2025
When is the best time to do a spell or ritual? Magical timing can be a powerful boost to a spell. We’ll cover the common and unusual ways to make sure your magic is released when it will be the most effective.
Cost $25 -$55 sliding scale
50% POC Discount
Creating Spells & Charms
A Prerecorded On~Demand series
Available in October 2025
An in~depth workshop on the creation of these powerful tools of witchcraft. We will go over the process step by step, consider timing, power source, intention and precautions.
Cost $95 - $165 sliding scale
50% POC Discount
Patreon Subscription
Monthly subscriptions start as low as $5
Gain access to exclusive videos, articles, discussions, spells, Q&As, and workshops! The content will explore more in-depth info than what I share on my YouTube channel. This is a community where you can choose and vote on topics that interest you most. We will learn from each other as well as what I offer from my 50 years as a witch.
Through the Veils Between the Worlds: A Samhain /All Hallows Eve Trance
Pre-recorded and On-Demand Video - Available October 15 ~ November 19, 2024
“As the land sinks quietly into sleep the voice of spirit calls to us and invites us to look deeper and listen.”
Sacred holiday rituals, like this one for Samhain, have gained popularity, so I’m adding it to the mix. Solo trance and Samhain ritual can be done solo or with a group.
Cost $15 -$40 sliding scale
50% POC Discount
Winter Solstice Trance/Ritual Journey
A pre-recorded video. Available December ~ January 2025
“Slowly, I walked the path through the still winter night, the stars overhead wheeling and turning in the dance of winter.”
Join me on this 60 minute journey into the land of the Holly King. The place where you can find stillness and rest, as well as the joy of life. The class will be entirely trance/ ritual. Downloadable written material with info about the winter solstice will be included.
Cost $15 -$40
50% POC Discount
Future Offering:
On-demand Herbal Magic Course Series
“Herbal magic was the woven fabric of everyday life and witches were the weavers who shared and nourished the tradition. It was used, treasured and passed down carefully though the generations.”
A series that takes a deep dive into the lore and art of using herbs in witchcraft to create spells and charms for protection, blessings, clearings, season festivals, kitchen witchery and much more.