Through the Veils Between the Worlds: A Samhain /All Hallows Eve Trance

Pre-recorded  and On-Demand Video

Available October 15 ~ November 19

A solo trance and Samhain ritual. It can also be done with a group

The pre-recorded sacred holiday trance/rituals have been really popular so I’m adding one for Samhain.

As the land sinks quietly into sleep the voice of spirit calls to us and invites us to look deeper and listen.

Join me on this journey into the otherworld, the land of the ancestors and spirits to see what awaits us. The class will be entirely trance with some pictures and video on the screen to keep it from being static. But you can just listen with earbuds if you choose. Or you can bring some simple objects and make it more of an active ritual to do solo or with friends

Cost $15-$40 sliding scale

50% POC Discount for those who would find it helpful.


How to Cast a Protective Circle: Foundational Magic Series

A live online class
Sunday, May 7, 2023 | 10:30 - 12:30

The circle is cast. We are between the worlds and what happens between the worlds affects all the worlds.

Are you just starting and are unsure of where to begin? Are you wondering if circles are necessary? Circles help contain our magic and protect us from outside interference. Join us for a complete explanation and training on how to cast a circle and when to not. If you can cast a circle you can do magic.

Cost: $10 - $30 sliding scale, 50% POC discount for those who would find it helpful.

Ogham ~ Creating Magic with Celtic Tree Runes

Symbols are the language of magic and the really old symbols carry the power of generations of communication between humans and the otherworld.

Saturday, April 15, 2023 | 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

A Live Online Class

Are you drawn to symbols and what they mean? The Ogham is an ancient runic alphabet intertwined with tree magic. Join me as I share the basic meanings of these symbols, how to write them, and learn a technique to invite them to work with you. I’ll also briefly go over older vs modern lore. We will also create a protective ogham charm symbol for your house that is unique to you.

Cost $25-$70 sliding scale, 50% POC discount for those who would find it helpful.

Pre-reg. required


Herbal Magic Weekend Workshop

An In-person Two Day Workshop

An Outdoors Event

Saturday, July 15 & Sunday, July 16, 2023 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Pre-registration deadline - Monday, July 10

“Plants are more than they seem. And sometimes they will whisper to us their secrets.”

Plants and trees are full of magic. They hold gates to other realms, bring magic to our spells, and protect and clear our homes. Join me for two days of green witch magic and lore. We will work with plant communication, finding plant allies and guardians, and learning directly from them. I will also share traditional magical uses for herbs in witchcraft. And we will do some magical crafting to take home with us. Register early for this one due to limited size.

Cost: $90 - $165 sliding scale, 50% POC discount for those who would find it helpful.


Available early 2024 An on-demand Herbal Magic Course Series

A six part series that takes a deep dive into the lore and art of using herbs in witchcraft to create spells and charms for protection, blessings, clearings, season festivals, kitchen witchery and much more.


Patreon Subscription

Gain access to exclusive videos, articles, discussions, spells, Q&As, and workshops! The content will explore more in-depth info than what I share on my YouTube channel. This is a community where you can choose and vote on topics that interest you most. We will learn from each other as well as what I offer from my 40 years as a witch.

Monthly subscriptions start as low as $5


Workshops and offerings on magic and witchcraft are open to the public throughout the year. Please check back or sign up to be added to the email list.